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Stoke Your Inner Fire: Building Focus and Discipline

Stoke Your Inner Fire: Building Focus and Discipline

In Sanskrit, Tapas most simply means heat or passion and discipline. Yogis use practices to stoke the “fire in the belly” literally. Located around the navel in the area of the solar plexus is a source of personal power and governs self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation!

Historically, its about three weeks into the new year that we can start to lose our motivation around our resolutions. Sticking to something you set out to do takes discipline. Following through and showing up for yourself takes commitment and will. But just saying you need discipline, doesn’t actually give you discipline. You have to cultivate it!

Here are a couple ways I use to stoke the fire:
-Commit to a routine that supports your goal. Protect the routine, care about it. Your routine may include planning your week, journal writing about what is important to you, or sitting quietly in the morning with a coffee or tea. Your routine helps you feel centered and focused.
-Morning meditation: just 5-10 minutes makes a huge difference in focus. You can find meditations on this website that will help!
-Breath practices can help move energy in the body, settle stress and anxiety, and help focus the mind.
-Yoga practice with core work, twists, and belly down back bends.

Click here for free meditations! https://www.tuladharayoga.com/free-meditations/