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Top 5 Reasons to go on a Yoga Retreat

Dreaming of your next vacation? Want to retreat to beauty and relaxation? Maybe you should try a Yoga Retreat!

Imagine yourself waking up in a beautiful tropical place, heading down for a healthy breakfast that was prepared for you, then taking in a yoga class in a “studio” that overlooks the water or a jungle. After class you mights walk to the beach or go for a massage, have a healthy lunch, maybe even a nap. Then later that evening maybe you take in another yoga class – this time one that requires no effort, just relaxation and meditation. After that, you head off to a healthy dinner prepared for you and wind down for a good nights sleep. Of course, if you would like a little more effort or adventure you can always decide to go into town and shop, see the sights or take a tour or learn to surf or snorkel.  Not bad right?  If this sounds like an ideal vacation, then you should try a yoga retreat!

Outside of the above mentioned bliss, here are some reasons you should try a yoga retreat!

  1. You can unplug and focus on YOU. Sometimes vacations can be hectic, a yoga retreat is anything but! The focus is on you, your relaxation, and mental and physical wellbeing.
  2. You are on vacation, but can still eat healthy, stay active while also fully relaxing and rejuvenating. Ever taken vacation and come home exhausted with an extra 7lbs that came home with you? At a yoga retreat, you eat healthy organic food, you meditate and do yoga daily, and nearly all retreats have the option of massage or spa service.
  3. You can dive deeper into your practice and actually learn more about yoga. An average yoga class is about an hour, but at a retreat you can spend 90 minutes to 3 hours a day on your yoga practice (if you choose). It opens up the opportunity to learn more about yoga and meditation (and yourself).
  4. You can meet like minded people from all over the world. Building community from around the world is an incredible benefit to a retreat! You spend time with like minded people that love yoga, love to travel, and value bliss!
  5. You can get out of the hectic nature of your everyday life and find a routine that is more centered around your wellbeing! One of the great things about a retreat is that everything is scheduled and done for you! The only thing you have to decide is how to spend your free time – by the beach or by the pool?

Sounds amazing right? You can go with Tuladhara Yoga studio to this experience! Join us for Pura Vida: A yoga retreat to Costa Rica January 21-28, 2023 at Anamaya Resort and Retreat Center! Learn more at https://www.ptyogaretreats.com/ to book your room!