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You Have To Feel It, To Heal It

Meditation reminder: Stay.

Meditation can be so many things, but today it was just plain uncomfortable for me. The thoughts are a struggle, my body aches, my mind wandered, my body wanted to fidget, I felt annoyed by everything- I just felt uncomfortable. I wanted to quit over and over, but I kept hearing a whisper inside. Stay. Just Stay. Over the course of the next several painful minutes, I was able to soften, to listen, and although a level of discomfort remained, I stayed and I watched and I learned. I learned something new.

For me, the best meditations are the ones that can teach me about myself and my patterns, and can provide insight for healing. But those are always the hardest.

How do you deal with discomfort? Do you run? Do you quit? Do you fight? It’s good to know, not so you can judge yourself, but so you can shine the light of awareness on it. Know so you can learn from it. Know so that your daily reactions to discomfort come into your view and you can be present for them. Know so that you can know yourself, just a little better.

The only way out is through. Stay. Watch. Listen.

Check out our meditation on building presence with your breath here: https://www.tuladharayoga.com/free-meditations